Aliens Among Us, a short satirical docu-drama shot by me and Erin Finicane in the Galapagos, has received an Honorable Mention by the 2012 BLUE Ocean Film Festival. With backing from Dr. Sylvia Earle and Jean-Michel Cousteau, BLUE is among the most respected festivals in conservation and wildlife filmmaking. It runs from September 24-30, 2012, in Monterey, CA. This year’s competition was fierce, with a record breaking 363 films submitted representing more than 20 countries and 5 languages. As an Honorable Mention, Aliens Among Us will be available for on-demand viewing in the festival's video library, which is open daily from 10-4.
Congratulations to Ali Azios (my sister) and Marcus Brooks (brother-in-law), who just won a major award at the 2012 Manhattan Film Festival for the documentary film Dreams Are Not Forgotten. Ali served as Associate Producer while Marcus served as Director of Photography and Editor for the Nigel Barker film about life in post-earthquake Haiti.
Keep up the great work, hermanos! |